Chapter 1. Getting Started
Supported environments
Using Node.js to play with Esprima
Using Esprima in a web browser
Using Esprima with Rhino or Nashorn
Chapter 2. Syntactic Analysis (Parsing)
Distinguishing a Script and a Module
JSX Syntax Support
Browser Compatibility
Tolerant Mode
Node Location
Handling Hashbang/Shebang
Token Collection
Comment Collection
Syntax Delegate
Example: console Calls Removal
Chapter 3. Lexical Analysis (Tokenization)
Token Location
Line and Block Comments
Limitation on Keywords
Limitation on JSX
Example: Syntax Highlighting
Appendix A. Syntax Tree Format
Expressions and Patterns
Statements and Declarations
Scripts and Modules
ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
Quick search
Chapter 1. Getting Started
Chapter 2. Syntactic Analysis (Parsing)
Chapter 3. Lexical Analysis (Tokenization)
Appendix A. Syntax Tree Format